23 May 2010


UThe trap was set. A man with an orange ribbon watched from across the street as four men with blue ribbons jogged past. He sprinted across the street splitting the group of blue, three ahead and one behind. With a skidding stop the one behind barely missed being tagged and bolts like a startled gazelle in the opposite direction, isolated from his friends. The chase ensued as his three friends looked on, cheering for escape. Down the busy D.C. street, across and up the other side at an all out sprint they went. At the top of the block fortune smiled on the blue runner as another slower blue ribbon came around the corner and the attention of the orange chaser was diverted. Escape! Back to his friends, exhausted, exhilarated, and ready to survive D.C.
This is my story from two weekends ago when I promised that I would have GPS tracking ready. Since I was frustrated with the uM-FPU issue I decided to enter the annual Survive D.C. challenge instead. It was a great time, and I have my strategy set to win next year. As for GPS tracking I just figured out (literally five minutes ago) that the chip selects for my uM-FPU code were setup improperly. Somehow I inadvertently changed the fpu_spi.S file and it screwed everything up for me. Many thanks to Cam at Micromega for his debugging help! Now that I have it working it should be a quick coding session away from KML track files stored on the SD card. Maybe you'll even get two posts in the same day out of me...

I decided to just update my post instead of making a new post. Below is a Google Earth view of a track I took. I actually walked around the parking lot in a loop, so the track isn't very accurate. The KML file created by the balloon hardware is below the Google Earth picture. The KML format is very easy and you can probably figure it out on your own. If you're struggling check out the KML Tutorial.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"> <Document> <name>Paths </name> <description> </description> <Style id="yellowLineGreenPoly"> <LineStyle> <color>7f00ffff </color> <width>4 </width> </LineStyle> <PolyStyle> <color>7f00ff00 </color> </PolyStyle> </Style> <Placemark> <name>Balloon Track </name> <description> </description> <styleUrl>#yellowLineGreenPoly </styleUrl> <LineString> <extrude>1 </extrude> <tessellate>1 </tessellate> <altitudeMode>clampToGround </altitudeMode> <coordinates>

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