09 May 2010

Look Mom, no hands...because soldering irons are hot. Safety First!

Well, after the last circuit boards and their soldering problems I decided to go back to the basics. You can see my classy soldering workspace/kitchen. I used lead free solder, don't worry.

So, like I said...back to the basics. Instead of using a whole loaf of bread while soldering, this time I used bread flour! Let me tell you, it made all the difference. Choosing a 100% organic bread flour gave my soldering that earthy, healthy taste too. All kidding aside there were no problems getting this soldered together and my initial tests were great! I've managed to get both micros running with the desired settings, both SD card slots work as you can see in the picture below, and I'm working through the code for the uM-FPU floating point co-processors now. I should be logging GPS tracks to the SD cards in XML format by the end of the week.

My co-pilot, Arhan, and I have both purchased our airplane tickets for Billings, MT. The flight will happen either on Saturday, July 3rd at 1PM or on Sunday, July 4th at 8am. The location will be one of the three previously discussed. It's really too early to know what the weather will be like. It would be great to have a ton of people show up and help, so if you're at all interested leave a comment and I'll keep you posted on the exact details. Happy Mother's Day Mom!

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